Fulton Middle School Home

Copy of Going Gold -- Thursday, February 18th

Picture of yellow ribbon announcing Going Gold for pediatric cancer February 18
Why gold? Gold is the color that symbolizes courage, resilience, and hope for those affected by pediatric cancer. By wearing gold, we stand in solidarity with children, families, and caregivers facing the challenges of childhood cancer.

HB Academy for the Performing Arts!

HB Academy for the Performing Arts! Featured Photo
Happy New Year from your friends at APA (HB Academy for the Performing Arts)! As you probably know, APA Applications are DUE BY January 31st! Remember students can attend any of these high schools and be in APA (Edison, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Marina, Ocean View, Westminster).

We are looking forward to having all of your students apply if they are interested in any of these subjects:
Costume (Fashion) Design
Dramatic Production (Writing/Directing)
Pop Music
Media (Film/TV)
Musical Theatre
Technical Theatre (Lights, Sound, Painting, Power Tools).

Incoming FVHS Freshmen!

Incoming FVHS Freshmen! Featured Photo
Attention Future Barons!
FVHS is hosting some information nights. Click the headline to see the details...

December Lunch Menus Out Now!

Lunch Menus For December Out Now!
December breakfast and lunch menus are now out! Stay up-to-date with the latest menu updates from the FVSD Food Services department by visiting their dedicated page here www.fvsd.us/apps/pages/LunchMenus
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